Jen's life

Life happens so fast, I barely remember to take the pictures, let-alone share them. I hope you enjoy my blog, and don't forget...See my MySpace link below and visit it too. Thanks for stopping in! Please remember to leave your comments on the pictures you like. -Jenni

Monday, August 29, 2005

How could I not keep this little guy?

I could just cry, he's so darling! It's been so long since I've had a kitten....they're so precious! And it's been even longer since I've had a kitty that is nice & sweet (as many of you all know, Jericho isn't the gentlest of souls, but I love her still the same.) Please pray that he's not sick, he sleeps alot, and he's so skinny. I'm taking him to the vet tomorrow, so hopefully he'll check out ok. =)

Sunday, August 28, 2005

A day at the Zoo

I spent Sunday at the Zoo with Bub, Jen and Cam. I will soon have all the pictures on Cam's blog.

"Where am I?"

When Bub, Jen, Cam & I came home from our bike ride Saturday night, we found this little guy in their driveway. He looked very skinny and was very hungry. We quickly realized that someone had dumped him in the neighborhood and he needed to be taken care of. Bub and Jen couldn't take him in and I couldn't leave him. I packed him up and headed for home, just thinking that I would keep him until I could take him to the Humane Society on Monday. When I got home, it was a different story. I checked him for fleas, and he had them, so I bathed him and got rid of as many as I could. He slept in the garage because I knew we haden't gotten them all. This morning I went out early and got some medicing for him and he seems to be much better now. No sign of fleas! So...after all that, I just can't stand to part with him....We've bonded now. I will take him to the vet tomorrow and get him checked for any sicknesses. I haven't thought of a name yet, so if anyone has any ideas...let me hear 'em! (I'm thinking of something that goes with his coloring, because he's so light blonde.)

All Clean

Give this boy a bath, STAT! It took a few washes and some flea control medicine, but he's all clean now.

"This bowl is as big as me!"

Meeting the new family member

"Does this dog want to eat me, or just play?"

I don't think it's love at first sight!

Christian Window Decals Online

I couldn't find a window decal in the stores around Salem, so I found a really good place online to buy from. They have a huge selection and lots of color choices. Go and check out Good News Graphics. They even gave me three small fish stickers with my order!!

Wednesday, August 24, 2005

Mom's new ride

My mom has been thinking about getting a new pickup for a few years now. Monday, she decided to go for it! It's perfect! Excactly what she was looking for and it's got some gutz too! What a sharp new rig, Good Job Mom!!!

Monday, August 22, 2005

Just another day at the park...I don't think so.

Sunday I went bike riding with the Peters'. We had been riding for about an hour and a half, without a care in the world, just enjoying eachothers company when Al looks down to see her front tire is flat as can be. As we start to make our way back to the pickups (Al walking her bike and Jeff and I riding very slowly), she notices her back tire is flat as well. Jeff trades her bikes and tries to ride it. To make matters worse, the tire comes off the spokes and the tube comes out, just as Jeff runs it over and cuts it in two. Hillarious!! Thank the Lord that we were all good sports and in no hurry. We had a good laugh (or two) and knowing us, we'll laugh at this day for years to come. "Remember the day at Minto Brown Island Park when Al's tires went flat..." Hahahahaha! You may think that's enough for one day, but no...we decided to come back to my house, have some ice cream and watch a movie. Just as the movie ends, Jeff says "Hon, did you lock your side of the pickup? Because if you did, we're locked out, I don't have the keys." Sure enough, Al had locked her door and they were locked out! Jeff tried to get it unlocked with a coat hanger, but didn't have much experience in breaking and entering. So, Al and I made a "quick" trip to Monmouth for the spare key, returning to Keizer about 11:45pm. It was a crazy night!! (Please see "Peters Paradise" for pics of the bike ride.)

Saturday, August 20, 2005


Saturday, I went out to Monmouth to visit Alysun. We picked blackberries, and scrappbooked. Here are some of the locals looking on, as we headed out to berry picking teritory.

Pack 'em up and head home

After a little hard work, a few scratches and some great conversation...Here is our reward. **Please notice the lovely new spray-in-bed liner in the bed of my truck**

Put on your Creative Caps

Al was feeling creative from the get-go. I, however, didn't get that feeling until about an hour and a half into scrapping. The results; two "pretty good" pages, and two "I LOVE THESE" pages.

Friday, August 19, 2005

Biking with the Fam

I recently got a new bike (thanks to Alysun who recomended the one she got at Costco) and for the past few weeks my family and I have been taking bike rides after work. Tonight we went out to Minto Brown Island Park in South Salem, and it was great! We wont be spending much time out at Willamette Mission State Park, just outside of Keizer, since we found out there was a cougar sighting in July. Yikes!!

My brother thanked me tonight for getting everyone into biking together. It's a great feeling for me to get everyone in my truck and pile the bikes in the back.

Getting ready to ride

Carmel, just taking it easy

You don't see this everyday...

Hey, who turned out the lights??

It's funny to watch him run around and not realize that he really can't see where he's going, until he runs into something.

Tuesday, August 16, 2005

...his voice is like butter!

Michael Buble! He's bringing it back folks! If you haven't heard him, make it today's task to do so. Here's his website, you can visit and listen to a few of his songs.

Monday, August 15, 2005

Three Generations

Grandpa, Dad and Son

Sunday, August 14, 2005

Silver Creek Falls

This view never gets old.

Stormy day on Stellers Eagle St NW

It was one of those weird days that we had in June, where it was really warm and nice. Then the skies turned dark and stormy. I snapped this one just before it started to rain.

Like father like daughter

When I arrived home from Australia, I learned that my dad had purchased the very truck I had been drooling over for the past 2 months. It was just what I needed to get my act together and get one of my very own. Here they are on their first visit together. Don't they look excellent together?!

Koda's 1st ride

Now that I have my truck, Koda and I go many more places together. Here he is just as we're about to head out to the river.

My best pal Koda

Here's Koda with one of his "lovies." He'll wrap his jaw around anything furry that squeaks...including Jericho if she'd hold still long enough. = P

Jen and her Mom

This was taken last Mother's Day of Jen and her mom Dorothy.

Dad and Patty

Here's a shot of the Best Dad in the World, and my great Step-mom. This was taken in front of my brother's house, durring our walk after our Father's Day lunch together.

Mom and her kids

It's been quite a while since the three of us took a picture together. Ever since Cam arrived, the camera is usually on him.

My favorite boy

Yes, it's hard to believe...he's opening doors now. Cameron talks in sentences and jabbers like there's no tomorrow. Most of the time we can understand him, but some times it's clear, only God knows what he's saying.

A view of Jenni

This is me and my latest hair style. Don't look away for too long, it might change again soon. heehee.

New Entry

This is my first blog entry. I'm a newby, unlike the pro's Al and Andee...I should take a few notes...heehee
I'm creating this blog so I can share pics and happenings with my family and friends.
