Jen's life

Life happens so fast, I barely remember to take the pictures, let-alone share them. I hope you enjoy my blog, and don't forget...See my MySpace link below and visit it too. Thanks for stopping in! Please remember to leave your comments on the pictures you like. -Jenni

Monday, November 28, 2005

I highly recomend it!

This movie is great for kids, but it's also great to get "big kids" in the Christmas spirit! The animation is amzing and so is Tom Hanks. (if you want, I'll bring mine and watch it with you)

First Snow

We got our first bit of snow today. It didn't stick, but it was so great to see it coming down. I hope this means we're in for a harsh winter with a White Christmas!

Saturday, November 26, 2005

3 Months to go

In about a week, it will only be 3 months (or so) before I get to meet my new nephew. I can't wait!

Thanksgiving at Mom's

Saturday, November 12, 2005

Mooshoo Pork, as I like to call her

Meesha could very well be the sweetest, and best behaved dog I've ever met. Quite a few years ago, she was given to JT by a gentleman that was passing away. I'd say that she was one of the biggest blessings in JT's life (after marrying my mom of course) ;) She and he are like peas and carrots.
When Meesh gets excited, and greets you "hello," her upper lip curls up to one side around her teeth and she smiles, with love, at you.

From the archives

This little guy was hanging around my cottage one day. I was lucky to be able to snap this shot before he scurried away. What a cutie!

Friday, November 11, 2005

Howdy Partner, it's Emma's 1st Birthday!

Emma eats her Boot shaped Birthday Cake.
Do you see a baby girl amungst all that wrapping?
I've never seen so many toddlers gathered together at one time!
Al and I after a great evening of family, friends, toddlers & presents.
