Jen's life

Life happens so fast, I barely remember to take the pictures, let-alone share them. I hope you enjoy my blog, and don't forget...See my MySpace link below and visit it too. Thanks for stopping in! Please remember to leave your comments on the pictures you like. -Jenni

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Snowy Keizer

The views from my office


Saturday, January 13, 2007

My favorite scent of the holidays

(thanks Andee)

Office Photos

We all had our pictures taken a few weeks ago, for company flyers. They all turned out really good, and I was really pleased with mine. (I felt a little bit like I was in Glamor Shots though) Top row (left to right) Jana, Jen, Alissa, Chris. Bottom row (left to right) Me, Mom, Janet.

New Set

Before Lowe's Home Delivery.....

After Lowe's Home Delivery...I purchased my first New Washer & Dryer set this week, and they were delivered today. It's amazing how fun laundry can be with brand new appliances. =)


Tuesday, January 02, 2007

New Camera

First American gave everyone a new camera for Christmas. I'm still getting use to the different settings, and options. Some of my pictures aren't turning out as great as I'd hoped. I'll keep practicing and hopefully perfect it soon.

First post of 2007

Anna and I spent the day in Portland, checking out Condos for her. The picture below was taken at Washington Park, trying to avoid the rain and the passing cars.

Happy New Year!

My friends Jeff & Donna Schumacher.
Anna and I
Riley is so close to walking. We give him about a month.
Here's Cam having fun with Dad.

Christmas Day at Mom's.

Christmas Eve at Dad's.
